The Next Show is Saturday!

Tomorrow is the second show! Looking forward to trying some new things with the stories I’m telling. Come enjoy a show while you learn about the fire service!

In my show, I will combine comedy and storytelling to tell stories about African Americans in the fire service. There will be three shows, each slightly different as I switch out stories for each show. The show dates are 6, 13, and 27 Apr (Fridays) starting at 6 pm on the 5th floor. It’s live and in-person (no virtual option). Below is the address. Parking is tight, so come early. It has 50 seats with another 50 standing room.

2100 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20037

The entrance is about ½ way down the block on the right (21st is one way South) next to the parking garage.

Here are the direct links to my shows for the event:

13 Apr 2024

27 Apr 2024

Published by Nick Baskerville

After years of being an instructor in the military and the and the fire service, I realized I needed to improve my delivery. My students needed me to improve delivery. But how do I improve my delivery? Simple. I finally took a member of Toastmasters up on the invitation to come to a meeting. It wasn't long until I joined. Along the way of improving my skills at delivering a message, I came to understand that of all the ways to get a point across, telling stories is the best way to get it done. Around this time, another friend from Toastmasters told me about The Moth monthly story telling shows. What better way to test out my theories on storytelling. It's in my travels there to the shows that I found more and more shows, and classes, and events centered around storytelling. Despite how many people know about the storytelling world, not many people know about the storytelling world. So now, I'm out to tell the world about storytelling.

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